Here’s An Opinion On:
All types and perceptions of a cosmetic breast surgery
James Kenvin
A breast augmentation surgery is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery in the United Kingdom, plus the highest number of breast enlargement with prosthesis breast implant surgeries is performed in the United Kingdom with over 11,000 surgeries carried out in the UK alone in the year 2013. So there is a heightened curiosity as to what does propels such a huge number of women to consider a breast enlargement surgery.
The Perception of Breast Enhancement
Small or uneven breasts do not cause any physical harm to a person, the only reason one would opt for breast enhancement is because of body image and the very perception of aesthetic beauty and the associated confidence with it, physical as well as mental.
The various types of breast augmentation surgeries are opted for various degrees and conditions of body image and with the advent of modern techniques and perceptions as well as medical investigations, it has been clinically proven by major medical boards in the UK as well as worldwide that a breast implant surgery does not cause cancer or any disease, and with proper care and assistance of a formally qualified plastic surgeon, can get a woman what she desires about her breasts and yet live a normal happy life with it. So the perception is, if it can be done, then why not!
Types of Breast Surgeries
Mastectomy or Lumpectomy is of course the first in the line breast surgery but they are done for a therapeutic cause and not for breast enhancement and most significantly is done for breast cancer. That being said and done, the rest of all breast surgeries that is on process is for the purpose of breast enhancement, and that alone. There are 4types of breast enhancement surgeries that include:
Breast Augmentation
Is the queen of the clan. Having naturally small or asymmetric breasts or are fixed or substituted with artificial silicone based breast implants that is designed of an outer shell and a filler gel, as the outer shell is made of medical grade silicone, the filler gel is made of either silicone or saline. There are several types of incisions that the implants are placed to the breasts as well different types of placement of the implants in the breast.
Breast Reconstruction
This is for the sole purpose to restore the breast after a mastectomy or lumpectomy. As lumpectomy only involves a lump in the breast to be removed, the breast reconstruction can be done with reconnecting the breast tissues, but with mastectomy the whole breast needs to be removed; hence breast implants are largely used to support the cause.
Breast Uplift
This might be done with or without breast implants mainly for sagging breasts and loss of the old contour of the breasts due to aging, pregnancy and childbirth, any prolonged illness or massive weight loss. Some skin and sagging tissues are removed following a number of technical incisions and suturing. Breast implants can be used to enlarge them.
Breast Reduction
Sometimes it is not all about large breasts, and sometimes women may have it naturally, and with the use of liposuction and skin excision, large breasts are brought down to a size that is appropriate for the ideal body weight.
This information is based in London, UK and is produced through online conversation with a high ranked
breast augmentation
surgeon. This information is useful worldwide to whoever it may concern.
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